Academic experiences

She has collaborated as assistant professor of Private Law’s Institutions at the University of Milan, Italy.

She’s currently a Roman Law and Sociology Law’s professor at the Law faculty at the PUCMM University (Pontificia Universidad Catòlica Madre y Maestra) in Santo Domingo.


Qualification to exercise the legal profession obtained in Milan in 1992
Registered at the Bar Association of Milan
Law degree from the University of Milan
Languages: Italian, Spanish, English

Expert in civil and administrative law, with twenty years of practicing law in her hometown of Milan, she has worked both in negotiation (contracts-mediation) and judicial (civil and administrative litigation).

Specialized in corporate and commercial law - factoring - bankruptcy and other insolvency proceedings, she has provided legal assistance in Italy as a commercial lawyer for Corporations and Multinational companies, especially in the field of public and private tenders- she also deals with the preparation of guarantees - insurance policies and the establishment of Joint Venture.

Now rooted for several years in the Dominican Republic, she has expanded her specialized skills in immigration law and real estate law and inheritance law.

On the subject of Immigration, she collaborates with the Dominican Consulate in Milan,  Florence and Rome.

Honorary Consul
Pasquale Balestrieri

Via Marconi n. 28/30

This precious synergy allows attorney Pugliese to guarantee a more efficient and quick professional assistance, as well as more decisive, interacting directly and in a preferential way with the dominican Consulate in Italy and the various Ministries involved in the Dominican Republic.

She provides full legal assistance in the field of Real Estate, using a network of professionals located on the Island, including accountants and notaries of trust for matters of fiscal and patrimonial nature.

Correspondents & Other Offices

In Italy - Milan
In Dominican Republic – Punta Cana